Wow, so I have so not been good at posting deals lately! Sorry! I hope you have been having fun and success with coupons and deals. I have been wanting to post about this for a little while, but wanted to try it out first, to see if it was indeed a good deal. Well, let me tell you IT IS! Bountiful Baskets is a Food Co-op that was started in Arizona, spread to Utah and now has hit Idaho. How it works is you make a contribution of $15.00 for a basket of food (Usually six vegetable items and six fruit items.) The first time you order there is a $3.00 extra fee, but that is only on your first time. The food is bought in bulk, so you get more food for your money, and the food is way more fresh than what you find in stores, Though some of the fruit still needs a day or two to fully ripen. I got this basket today, and it had
Red Chard
Grape tomatoes
Everything that is pictured cost me just $15.00 plus my $3.00 fee for first time. So worth every penny! If you are interested you go to and there is a spot where they explain how it works. Essentially, you purchase your basket between Monday and Tuesday and then you pick it up on Saturday at the pick-up spot you choose when ordering. There are several spots around Idaho Falls to choose from, I got mine at Sandcreek Middle school. The only catch is that they only have a certain number of baskets to purchase each week, and when they are gone they are gone. The purchase time starts at 7:00 on Monday night, so it is best to get on early and order. Good Luck! It is so worth it.